9 Reasons Why You Have to Work and Tavel in the USA

There's no better way to immerse yourself in a country than deciding to work there, and with America being one of the world's premier destination, it's no surprise everyone's searching work and travel in the USA.
There are countless opportunities in the 'Land of Opportunity', and that doesn't just apply to locals.
Hundreds of thousands go to work in the US from different countries every year, filling out positions from hospitality through to summer camp.
From a few weeks to a handful of months, exploring any of the unique 50 states will give you memories to last a lifetime. If you decide to work and travel in the USA next summer it could (will!) change your life and I’m going to tell you why!
1. Hanging around at home can be a little tedious, especially if you’re a dreamer

The thought of hopping off a plane and exploring something new makes my soul hungry.
One of the best ways to experience another country is through packing a suitcase and going to work abroad. My ideal destination for a summer of adventure: America.
2. You'll get to see more states than just the one you work in

Exploring a country becomes a lot easier if you’re already in it. Especially if there’s 50 states to choose from.
From learning the local ways of life to packing a light backpack and heading out into a different area, you can see it all. Using different modes of transport, trekking on foot, and learning to keep your eyes wide open will become second nature to you.
Always remember that countries have more to them than the capital!
Traveling around America can be particularly cheap if you compare airline prices too.
Once you’re in the US, you may as well make the most of being there.
Domestic flights are extremely common, hence why you’ll get cheaper flights between cities.
Depending on your journey, where you’re looking at going and your budget, it could be worth checking out Greyhound.
This national bus service is super cheap and is a great way to get between major transport hubs.
You can hop from one place to another, checking them all out and having all the driving done for you!
3. You'll have some of your most unique life experiences

As a traveler, you should get used to looking further than just the obvious.
Delve into parts of cities and rural areas that are different than the main tourist attractions.
Soak up stories from locals, or those who are keen to tell you about the hidden gems of their hometown.
Whether you're hiking the rocky mountains of Wyoming with a guide, or walking amongst the 8.6 million people in the streets of New York, everyone is capable of impacting your journey.
New York is a prime place for absorbing the stories of locals, as reflected in the humbling tales shared on Humans of New York.
As long as you’re safe, let your curiosity take over and venture out of your comfort zone.
4. You'll make friends for life - from America and everywhere else

Working abroad is the perfect opportunity to mix with people from across the globe, in environments like no other.
Whether it be the people you work with or the person sat next to you reading a map and looking lost, there are friends for life waiting for you out there.
Learning about different cultures through friends is even better.
These are the people you’ll recall your trip stories with and when you see each other again, it’s like you’ve never been away.
Friends you’ve met may be dotted in every single state of the USA (or every country of the world!), but even without seeing them, they’re friends for life.
There are so many opportunities to meet others with travel in their hearts just like you. Who knows, they might even be your new adventure buddy!
5. Your taste buds will grow

Being open to new culture means new food. Food is one of the key pillars of culture and a key distinguisher between areas.
This is by far one of the most interesting and wonderful experiences you could ever give yourself and your taste buds.
They’ll thank you for the rest of your life.
No matter where in the world, it’s a MUST to try new cuisine and new dishes from the country you’re visiting.
During your summer in America, you could fall in love with the ice-cream in San Fransisco’s Ghirardelli Square, or become obsessed with getting brunch with a view of the Washington Monument in DC.
Even if you don’t like the food too much, it’s a part of the fun! Becoming enriched in different cultures makes you grow as a person.
Whichever state you end up in, make sure you try their signature dish. Each area will have something they’re famous for (Chicago deep-dish pizza anyone?!) and you may go home with a new favourite.
Don’t shut yourself out from new things because you’re worried about what it’ll be like. Life is one big platter - You can try it all!
6. You'll become a natural photographer

Pictures capture memories, so you’ll want to take plenty of them.
Take photos of your workplace (with permission of course!), the places you go, and the things you do.
It’s an easier way to share your moments with friends and family back home.
Pictures can paint a thousand words, especially if your caption is, “I’m living my best life”, and you truly mean it!
You don’t have to be a professional photographer or an Instagram addict, so don’t doubt your skills.
Just be grateful for where you go, and take some pictures along the way.
If you’re alone, you can use a phone timer and maybe even a cheap tripod.
I'd highly recommend the '1 Second Everyday: Video Diary' app.
It takes literally one second out of your day to capture a whole summer of memories, as the video comes together at the end of your summer.
7. You'll smile a lot more - by accident!

When you’re waking up every day in a new place and doing interesting things, you’ll realise your smile is constant.
Traveling naturally increases happiness because you feel more confident in yourself.
It takes courage to travel.
You have to give yourself to the world and not be frightened of the outcome.
It’s all about adventure and finding joy within learning.
I know that singing my heart out at a concert in Florida, gazing at the Seattle skyline, and crying happy tears in Disneyland California, have all shaped who I am today.
8. It acts as a huge self development tool

If you welcome the world with open arms, it’ll embrace you.
Working abroad is the greatest personal growth experience you could ever have.
You will learn more about how you work, what makes you tick, and the things you find important.
During my year working in Orlando, Florida, I realised that I am happiest when I have a flight booked.
I constantly had a plane ticket to a new destination in my diary. It became a necessity!
If you give yourself the space to grow mentally, you will figure out what makes you feel the most alive.
9. You'll be contributing to a new community

Working abroad might be something you’ve never done before.
Yet one of the best aspects about it is that you’re helping the community.
No matter what job it is, you’re introducing your own culture and bringing new stories to teach others.
If you’re working at a summer camp through Camp Leaders, you’ll be educating campers about places they may have only read about in books or seen on TV.
People will want to hear about your home life and why you’re there, and it’s all a part of the fun.
You really don’t realise the wealth of knowledge you’ll be bringing until you really get to share it within a new network or community.
The USA will encourage your adventurous nature Once you get bitten by the travel bug, there’s no going back. The thought of going somewhere new will always be on your mind, and you may even physically ache from missing the travel life.
This isn’t a bad thing at all!
Life isn’t meant to be lived in one place. Traveling and working abroad is so good for your mental health too.
It gives you a fresh, clean slate. Your life will become even more unique, and so will your memories.
Working abroad is the most rewarding job, as you’re giving yourself independence.
On your days or weekends off, you’ll be looking for your next adventure.
America offers so much for the adventurous, from sprawling National Parks such as Yosemite in the east, to eclectic cultural cities like New Orleans in the South.
Those who love activities will love some of the incredible hikes the States can offer, whereas those with an artistic flair will jump head first into the vast amount of art galleries and museums in every major city.
Make your trip what you want it to be; there’s enough there to do so!
So, what are you waiting for?
Do something different for yourself.
Go on and have an American summer adventure.
Put your travel dreams first, and go for it. It’s the best thing you’ll ever do.
As a 21-year-old who had never lived away from home before, traveling around America whilst working was the best possible experience. It allowed me to focus on ‘me’ and develop into the person that I’m becoming.
That could be you, no matter what age, or where you want your destination to be.
There is so much to see out there and the world is waiting for you to find it!
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