7 Ways to Beat Your Fear of Travel

Maybe you dreamed of an internship or summer experience abroad — but your fear of travel and the unknown keeps you grounded at home.
How can you overcome your fear of travel or heading abroad?
If you have concerns about globetrotting, what coping mechanisms can you employ?
You are certainly not the first to experience such feelings and you won’t be the last.
It takes patience, but with a plan, you can overcome your fear of travel and free yourself to see the world.
1. Do your research

When you imagine your journey, do you picture yourself having a blast in the place you most want to visit?
Or do you envision wandering lost for hours, which is what adds to your fear of travel? Reduce your fear of travel by doing your homework before you depart.
How will you get from point A to point B?
Study street maps until your destination feels as familiar as your neighbourhood.
Where is the nearest embassy, and how can you contact them?
What should you avoid saying or doing to not offend the locals?
Find out in advance with the help of your friend, Google.
2. Get your paperwork sorted

Whatever country you land in and whatever program you embark on, you will need the necessary paperwork to enter — so make sure you do your research and meet the proper requirements before you travel.
If you are off to explore China, for example, you will need a visa or residence permit.
Make sure all your papers are in order before your flight. Once you arrive at a port of entry, officials will ask to see your passport and visa — so invest in a secure locking belt to carry these vital documents on your person.
If you lose your passport on your journey, you will need to apply for a replacement. This process proves easier if you have a copy.
You should also make photocopies of your identification and insurance cards. Write down your credit and debit card numbers and upload all documentation to a secure cloud server.
That way, should the unspeakable happen — you get robbed or lose your wallet — you have the information you need to order replacements.
3. Take a friend

If you have the option, you could invite a close friend on your journey.
You won't experience the fear of travelling alone when you are with someone. Certain Smaller Earth programmes, such as Camp Leaders, will happily place a couple, or a couple of friends, together in the same area, allowing you both to have the summer of a lifetime.
Travelling with a partner also offers many advantages.
If you get lost, you can cover twice the territory until you find your way. You feel more secure walking to nighttime events, which saves you money on cab and Uber fares.
However, the great thing about participating in programmes is that even if you do travel solo, you will meet so many people in the same scenario as you.
4. Give yourself a support strategy

Ensuring that you have the right support structure around you can make things so much easier whilst travelling.
Agencies, for example, provide a level of support unmatched from elsewhere. They are used to sending thousands of people every year, all of which will have similar situations and problems that you will encounter as well.
By having them there if you need them, you are ensuring that you have got an ear to listen to or a shoulder to cry on, should you ever need it.
If all else fails, having a contingency plan helps.
Think about the last time you went on a blind date. If you're like many people, you had a friend lined up to text you at a predetermined time. That way, if you needed to bail out for any reason, you had a convenient excuse.
Do the same to ease your anxiety about travelling by creating an exit plan in case things go south.
When you book your plane fare, make sure you can change your return flight for a minimal fee.
Instead of signing a year-long lease, rent a room on Airbnb until you know if you're going to enjoy your work-study abroad experience.
Yes, you'll need to resist the urge to flee at the slightest discomfort. However, knowing you have a way out can lower your stress levels exponentially.
Meet new travel friends abroad with Camp Leaders.
Build your travel confidence by going with a well trusted agency. Work at camp and meet new people from around the world.
Learn More5. Learn mind-body relaxation techniques

What happens if you have a panic attack overseas?
While many countries offer free international health care to travellers, you don't want to spend your summer internship on the therapist's couch.
Before you depart, spend some time learning mind-body relaxation techniques.
If you have never practised yoga or meditation, sign up for a class at the YMCA or pay drop-in rates at a nearby studio.
Study how to reframe your thoughts using methods like travel journaling.
Get in the habit of taking several slow, deep breaths whenever you feel yourself getting stressed.
We’ve even got an article where we discuss why a travel journal is a great idea and one which can really help your fear of travel.
6. Take mini-excursions closer to home

Maybe you're not ready to spend a year in Asia teaching English.
But taking a quick weekend getaway to a nearby country could be a less daunting, less long-term way to experience a different culture.
When you have had enough, you can return home in a jiffy.
But chances are you'll have so much fun exploring a new place, you will linger for a while.
7. Give yourself time to acclimate

Many people suffer from a fear of travel because they don't give themselves adequate time to adjust to their surroundings.
Jet lag can leave you exhausted, especially if you've flown halfway around the globe. Following a rapid-fire itinerary of Belgium one day and Italy the next, you may feel your head reeling.
If your budget and schedule permit you to do so, add buffer days to your trip.
Use these extra days to stroll the neighbourhood where you're staying.
Chat with local shopkeepers.
Observe how people customarily dress and greet each other.
You'll feel more comfortable in a foreign city if you give it time to stop seeming strange.
You can overcome your fear of travel
If your fear of travel stops you from travelling abroad, you can calm your nerves and ease your mind by following these tips.
Once you have gotten out there to see the world, you will become so hooked on the adventure, that your fear of travel will fade into the past.
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